Have you ever imagined Life without Friends to share your joy? Friends to share your burden? Friends to share your sorrows and feelings? It's unimaginable, impossible, and will never happen. That's why friends are really important to us. You can never survive without your friends. If you feel friendless, think about why are you friendless. Maybe it's because of your attitude, your behavior, your bad side and many more. Or if you are friendless because you choose to be one, you don't want your friends to know about something about you, your secrets, your sorrows and pain. Or maybe you really want to have a friend, and you tried everything you could do to have a friend, but your classmates choose not to be your friend. This is fate. I went there once, never going back. Friends, are always there for each other.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Life without Friends is Nothing
Posted by Mei Ling やくし at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom.
Friend: has never seen you cry
Best Friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on
Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home
Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend : they ask you for their number ( cuz they can't remember it)
Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff
Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life
Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you
Friend: would delete this letter
Best friend: will send this back
to me and all of their online buddies
Friends Forever!
Written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot..
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say , I am here for you.
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the ones I won't forget...
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven
And wait for you.
Show your friends how much you care.
Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND( copy and paste), including the one who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.
Send this to.............
1-2 people you are a Bad friend... Booo!!!
3-5 people you are an OK Friend!
4-6 people you are a Good friend!!
7-10 people you are a Awesome friend!!!
11-15 people you are a Fantastic friend!!!
20++ people you are the best of the best!
Posted by Mei Ling やくし at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
A poem about friends

You promised me that you would always be my friend.
One day something changed I’m not sure what it was.
I lost you on that day and the reason was because
It was a late dark night and we had a stupid fight.
And for some reason, I don’t know why, we couldn’t make it right.
We went our separate ways.
This went on for days and days.
I made new friends and you made yours,
but that hole in my heart could not be filled for that hole was only yours.
Times got really tough,
my road of life was, oh, so rough.
I needed friends, not the kind you see from day to day,
but the kind that will always and forever stay.
Memories were all I had
and just the thought of them made me sad.
I cried every night wondering how to make it right.
I wish you could erase that day and that fight.
Would you please forgive me? I don’t know where to start.
It hurts me so bad to have this hole in my heart!
I don’t want our friendship to totally end.
I need you! You are my best friend!
So can we make a promise to stay together ’till the end?

Posted by Mei Ling やくし at 7:45 AM 0 comments